Thursday, June 12, 2008

Old Age

I have always been a bit scatter brained. I have a wee bit of an attention problem and I tend to just lay my stuff down where ever. I have always been one to lock my keys in the car, put the milk in the cabinet or lose my shoes but lately things have been getting worse. The other night I found the ice cream in the fridge and the leftovers in freezer. Now I LOVE ice cream and would never do anything to harm it so the whole in the fridge thing just boggled me.

My worst, at the house, has been when I lost my glass. The other night after dinner I decided to have a glass of wine and watch a movie outside. I took the computer out and lit some candles and watched Zohon...I so lust Adam Sandler. I drank, maybe, half a glass of wine before the bugs were just too bad and I had to move inside. Now since Im lazy I scooped everything up, my computer, a book, my phone and my glass of wine and heading in the house. I headed back to the bedroom and put the computer and book on the bed then went to the basement to dry some clothes. When I came back upstairs, as I was walking through the kitchen I noticed that my wine glass was not on the counter. I thought that was weird because I could have sworn that I put it down as I walked through. I kind of glanced around then headed back to the bedroom.

It was getting late so I pushed the laptop out of the way and moved my book and there it was. My wine glass was in the middle of my bed. That would have been fine but it held a half a glass of wine which was now drenching my covers, sheets and mattress. WHAT THA HELL??? I was confused, I was boggled, I was panicky and yes, I started to cry. What was going on with me? First the ice cream now wine? Was/am I losing my mind? I fretted all night about this.

The more I thought about it the worse it got. Do I have the early stages of dementia? Is my brain oozing out of my head? Am I going to have to go live with one of my kids because I keep setting the house house on fire? Are they going to find me wandering nekkid, in my nightgown, walking up and down the street talking to my dead grandmother...more so than I do now...but where people can see?? I was scared/I am scared. I don't know what is happening to me. Is there a drug that I can take to make this better or am I just old?

So many question to ponder over this. The good thing is half the time I can't remember what I was thinking about so it all kind of just slips under the rug. Now, if you would please, keep a watch out and if you see a woman wandering around in her nightgown talking to her dead grandmother please point her in the direction of Illinois. Someone might just be looking for her.


Drama Diva said...

You need some D**K in your life......QUICK.

JustAroundTheCorner said...

Well he is a D**K!!

but really now from your lips to gods ears. There is always Ray the bus driver. Yes, he still talks to me...well when no one else is around.