Sunday, June 1, 2008

June 1st Ramble

Can you believe that it is already June? I swear it seems like the year just started. Sometimes I wonder if I would notice that time passing like it does if I didn't work at the bookstore. I seem to gage my life by the new books coming out or the events that interest how I lead into this one?. THE EVENT is getting closer and I am freaking out over it. I want to do a good job but what I want more is for the people that love this book to have a good time. I want them to have fun with it but I also want them coming away with a new outlook on the book or to have something pointed out to them that they didn't think of before....and a cupcake, we cant forget the cupcakes.

So far I have my trivia down. Most of it is easy stuff but I do have a couple of bonus questions in there that are hard. I'm started to go back through the book and mark it up with my questions. Amazing how a highlighter and some dental floss can help you sort through all the information. The bad part is when I highlight something it's usually because I have a question about it. There are things that I cant wait to ask just because I don't understand them in the book. Not to mention I really want to see how old I am *L*

Have I mentioned I'm terrified of this Book Discussion. I'm so scared they are going to blow me out of the water with it. These people LOVE this book. I'm started to like it but I dont love it. I can understand the love of it but I'm not there yet. Maybe I'm looking for them to help me over the edge...maybe.

The one thing I am really excited about is the scavenger hunt. It's going to ROCK. I was a bit worried about the store being torn up but I think I can control it. I'm going to have clip boards, a list and RULES. I just need the Title, the author, and the location of the book. Do not bring the book to me. The hardest thing is to not use my trivia for the scavenger hunt too. Arrrgghh I need to get off this blog and get to highlighting again. Obsessive?? A bit *L*

Most of the weekend at the bookstore I walked around and thought of questions. This was a good thing because I really enjoyed myself this weekend. It felt back to normal. I had a few moments where I was snarky but I worked it out. Actually, I didn't work it out I was just a bitch and stayed where I was. Nothing bad happened and nothing really came back to bite me on the ass so all in all it was ok. Funny thing is I was happy to be there. I think it had more to do with the fact that I didn't have to work all damn day and that they had me at both reg and out on the floor. I do like that. I like wandering around and helping people. I like picking up piles of books and bringing them to info so we can sort them and put them back out on the shelf. Ummm...ok I would really appreciate if people would just put the books back themselves but you cant have everything.

OH and my exciting thing that happened was that I met Heather Brewer. She is one of St. Louis' local authors. She was so nice!! I could kick myself in the ass for not catching her signing and book reading. She did make me laugh and I did get some vamp red and blue!!! Of course I have to give a shameless plug to her I have high hopes that she is going to make it back over the river for our Book Discussion. She does love the books and I would like to hear what she had to say about Twilight.

OK, I'm off for now. I really wanted to be in bed by 9:30 but the cat decided that he would rather run the neighborhood than to come home so I could sleep. He is now in the house and I'm give out from chasing him. Night all....

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