Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tick Tock

Do you see the time stamp? Do you know it's 2:30 in the morning? Do you know that I have to be up at 5:30 so I don't miss the train? What the hell is your problem? Why did you wake me up? Was what you had to say so important? Did you just need to go to the bathroom and wanted me up with you? Was I snoring and keeping you awake?

Is this why you started barking and scared the bejeezies out of me at 2:30 in the morning? Dog, you are lucky you are cute or you would be dead instead of just exisiled to the end of the bed.

Yes, that's right, Ms. Coco decided that she would have a barking fit this morning. I have not a clue what she was after but by the time I was up and out of bed it was long gone. I was a bad doggie mom and just opened the door and let her out to go pee. This was a mistake. The dog just slowly wandered out of the yard. She would not come back. I opened the door to go get her and the cat took off. Little f'er.

So there I was, outside in my ripped up t-shirt, no shoes and no pants. We are talking NO PANTS here people. One wrong move and it's a full moon tonight. Now the cat is a quick little bastard and he takes me on a lively romp down the road and up on some strangers porch. Finally I caught him. Wow, that's what that tail is for. Needless to say the cat was PISSED off at me using his tail as a handle. Tough, pussy cat, come back when I call. Now, as Im getting the cat, the dog is wandering all over the damn place. She is having a wonderful time. Can I mention here that at 2:30 AM the grass is VERY wet and its dark out so you dont know just what you have managed to step in while you are trying to avoid the claws of a very pissed off, hissing, ball of fur in your arms?

The good news is we are all back inside and all no worse for the wear. I don't think the moon peeked out but I could be wrong about that I will have to check the grapevine tomorrow to see if my romp was spotted. Now for the bad news....did you know that a romp through wet grass pretty much wakes a person right on up? Oh yes, it does. Geeesh it should be a fun Tuesday in hell. I really think that I should get a half day for having a midnight wrangle!

Night all...Im off to give it a try....or to read the soap forum.

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