Monday, September 15, 2008

Full Contact Knitting

When I'm upset, worried or sick I knit. It makes me feel better. It takes my mind off everything and I just sit and count stitches. I don't think I have kept but one of the scarves that I have ever knitted and that was only because it was my first one and it was more of a learning thing. Every other scarf, and I only knit scarves right now, have been so tied up with hate or tears or worry that I cant stand to have them around me.

The only real pleasure I get from my scarves is the amount of help that I get knitting them. When I pull out the needles I am fair game for the tribe. Usually when I knit I have my ipod on and I have a bad habit of tapping my toe to the music. It's my way of granny rocking while I knit.

This seems to annoy Tank, because he likes to wrap his claw into my toe to make me stop tapping. I have to give him credit it works like a charm. Notice he gets me in the up tap motion so that I can relax my foot. Oh I can but his claw comes out and it's just easier to stay still.

My next helper is Biggie Big. I'm not sure how he does it but he can get himself in a tangle quicker than anything. God love him he's just such a squishy bear that I can stay mad at him for long.

OK, I can't help myself I do usually poke him in the belly with the needles just to watch him roll around. He is my big ole weebles kitty.

The other helper I have is a sneaky devil. He acts like he is not watching then he will pounce when I put my work down. He loves the needles and if I'm not fast enough he will carry them off. I give you Pepito the Pain the the Butt Kitty. Good thing he is cute or he would be Pepito the Live Outside Kitty.

I love this picture of Pete. He just has that "F You I have YOUR thread" look on his face.

Now if you think knitting is fun with this crew you should try sleeping, or eating, or reading....tell me again why I have cats???

Oh yeah, I remember now :)

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